The Girls Ruin it for Me
By BonesToo
Loved the beginning of Swept Away, which was my "trial" purchase, but was very disappointed in hearing a beautiful tune disorted by the girls singing and repeating the same words over and over. Unfortunately, you don't hear them on the sample session. Am very reluctant to purchase any other tunes on this album, and I generally like John Adorney's work. Try a sample piece, as I did, first.
Only bought Trees of Gold
By savvywriter
New to this artist, and to be honest I bought the song I felt was best - Trees of Gold - I wish the whole album was similar to this song!
Nothing new but who needs it?
By Old Broad
This is classic John Adorney, but that's what I look for and that's what I like from him. He's always got just enough of a twist on his style to keep me interested and entertained.
The title song uses vocals as John so often instruments. No words, really, just the sound of the human voice at it's finest.
God, he's got such a feeling in all he creates and presents. Another winner to add to my collection of his work.