By Trust and Us
Good Ole Grateful Dead
By webersfca
This album(s) will often bring tears to many of us . I loved this music from the first day in the early 1970's , I heard it . I thought and maybe still do that the Dead were the most mature rock band there ever was . ( Because of my almost blind love of the Grateful Dead , it has just been in the last 25 years that I 've learned to love many many other great bands . I am almost 74 years old now .) Isn't music grand ?
By Hawkhawk123456789
Can't love this album enough.
The CD I bought awhile back has "The Stranger" on it, a sublime version- why isn't this on the Itunes album???
This is not the first time I've seen Itunes omit songs from albums that were there originally- weird.
The Dead 72
By dnd2
Great record , great concert year for the band, really does represent them well!! There was nothing like a Dead concert !!
By Peace head dead
This is the ALBUM that hooked me. I finally purchased the T-shirt last week. Love the Cumberland Blues beginning, sets the tone. This is the ALBUM I share to everyone.
China Sun
By Barboy
This is an album I’ve loved since I was a kid, although I am not a dead head.. Forget all the Dead hype for a minute and listen to China Cat Sunflower. There is not bar band (as Jerry described the band in its day) that I know of who could stretch out that way and come back to reign us in. They shoot an arrow and land it way beyond our expectation. And that’s why they are still famous. Bar bands soothe my soul!!!
Man I love this album
By MusicTheoryMan
Great live show sound. Good space jam in there too. I loved seeing these guys in concert several times
The bottle was dusty.....
By patrick jordan
Brown Eyed Woman never sounded as good as it does on this cd. So many classic songs on this recording, more than most bands have over an entire career!
By RFeury
I've had this record/cd since it first came out about 40 years ago and I still listen to it all the time: China Cat/I Know You Rider is not just a brilliant Dead song, it's a happy/haunting/mythic American song. I wish I was a headlight on a north bound train/I'd shine my light thru the cool Colorado Rain. Poetry!!!!
China cat sunflo.....
By Bigger nerd
This is truly one of my favorite albums of all time. Unfortunately on iTunes you don't get the whole song. The songs cut off while the jam leads into the next song. With an album like this that in a crime.