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Title Artist Time


  • Superior Eurythmics Album

    By all me and nobody else
    This album is one of their best along with Revenge and Be Yourself Tonight. English Summer is not a very good start, but Belinda is excellent. "Take Me To Your Heart" is a cold, new direction that sounds mysterious. "She's invisible now" is strange, but pretty. Another top highlight of the album is "Your Time Will Come" along with "Never Gonna Cry Again".
  • Something that needs said

    By chrsnorbt
    The Eurythmics are not a good band, except on this album. Most of the stuff they made in the 80's were hits that were on the radio or MTV. They were more of a visual band than anything. Time has not been kind to that music. A lot of it sounds very dated. However, In the Garden is a whole entire disc of them paving the way for scores of copycat acts to follow. This music is timeless. Take me to your heart sounds like something that Beth Orton or Imogene Heap might do. So if you want to know what the best stuff is by this band…look no further…you have found it.
  • Planting seeds in the garden

    By b-radn
    Lennox and Stewart start collaborating on this album. They focus on musical hooks and electronics/keyboards. It has a cool techno feel which produces several good moments but lacks the punch of what is to come. This album is for the true Eurythmics fan. Enjoy.
  • and belinda

    By MyMomSaysImCute
    love this album, even if every single album the eurythmics released was better, this album still has great songs....english summer, never gonna cry again, and revenge are big faves...and of course the eurythmics had an album named Revenge later on so that's fun too.