Where Are The Master Tapes?
By former-radio-dj
I Loved The Dickie Goodman Break-In Records, But Why Can't His Son Find The Tapes?
The Quality Of These Recordings Are HORRIBLE!!!
I have the soul president number one record!
By eddiemurphyfan100
It's a good record! So is the album
brings back memories..
By m2order
but where is 'kong'?
This garbage is hacky and terrible
By Mr. 2 Bon Clay
just listen to the sample of "Mr Jaws" and see what I mean. It's absolutely horrifying how unfunny this comedian is. I'm guessing during the 70's and 80's, this was considered very popular, but this kind of comedy just does NOT stand the test of time
Dickie Goodman Lives
By Dickie Goodman
Hi Fans! Thanks For Your Support...and Be On the Look Out for more new Break-in records from me directly to you, right here on iTunes...Elvis and I are doing just fine up here with our friends the Martians...they have a great sound studio in Philly, and we will zip back down there from time to time just to keep the magic alive...In fact, with the price of gas these days, we plan on doing a new one on the Economy Crisis, and maybe even a little something on Election '08, so,,, BOLO!
WATERGRATE: clever, funny-tests your musicology
The snippets-of-music interview pieces are the best, and sometimes the music pieces are so short or hard to hear, your musicology will be tested. I have been looking for Dickie's novelty songs for a long time. I heard them on the radio in the 70s as a kid, and had no clue who did them, but found them cleaver, sometimes even insightful, and generally funny. They still hold up. I wish the '72 Convention Song was on it though. Thanks iTStore for getting obscure - and sometimes obscene! - artists like this too!
Truly wacky!!!!
By tropicalelephant
Great fun, totally insane, I couldn't stop laughing.
Mr. Jaws
By AlekRivard
Mr. Jaws FUNNY. The rest so--so.