By 020604Matt
Why did it take so long for this to get on ITunes? Anyways this is IMP the better of the two albums they've made. I'm a little mad that this is censored, but that's ok.
By If_It_Burns_Then_It_Itches
the only why this band died off
Amazing, I love Crazy Town!!!
By Samantha0416
I love their music, but I wanna see some more albums cuz Seth "Shifty" Binzer is pretty amazing... I especially love "Hurt You So Bad" cuz it has a good message.
We need more...
By Wha's Wha
We really need more from Crazy Town, I still listen to both albums and would really like to see them come back out with something. Come on CT, where ya at?
Freakin' Amazing
By LPa7xSRcxt
Crazy Town is amazing. It may not be as popular of rap/music as someone like Linkin Park, but Crazy Town is someone that everyone should listen to. The diversity of the album from the angry songs like "Take it to the Bridge" to the songs like "Drowning," this album has something for everyone. For those who are afraid to just buy the album, the two above mentioned songs are the best ones, but, buying the whole album is the way to go! (album #3 next in 2008!)
Teddy Ruxpin is tougher, cooler, and more original.
By og sk8r
Rollerblading isn't cool anymore. I hope your suburban lifestyle is worth the existence of this horrible gummy bear music.
ThE bEsT sInGlE eVeR!!
By foREVer_81-09
Drowning has an amazing feel 2 it and it also has an amazing story behind Shifty's lyrics. But u have 2 figure tht out.