That Handsome Devil - That Handsome Devil

That Handsome Devil

That Handsome Devil

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2006-10-24
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 7

  • ℗ 2006 Stardust Music


Title Artist Time
Standing Room In Heaven That Handsome Devil 5:30
Yada Yada That Handsome Devil 3:41
Sleep It Off That Handsome Devil 3:04
Elephant Bones That Handsome Devil 3:45
Dating Tips That Handsome Devil 4:05
Miss America That Handsome Devil 4:34
James Dean That Handsome Devil 4:51


  • Amazing!!

    By Sedvus
    This is, by far, the BEST purchase I've made on iTunes. Three years ago, when I discovered THD, I had no idea I would love them this much. But now, I can't stop listening to them. Not a day goes by where I don't listen to at least one album four to five times. These guys... They're truly talented.
  • Here we go

    By Flame Effigy
    This is really where it all starts. If you're feeling a little apprehensive about lsitening to more of their music after this album, I can assure you that it only goes up from here and never comes down.
  • Entirely Unique

    By trikeman
    That Handsome Devil is amazing because they sound like literally nothing else. They've got one of the most unique and interesting sounds in existence, and this first EP encapsulates some of their weirdest (in a good way!) songs.
  • Good

    By J$32
  • The First Taste

    By Ten of War
    While this is probably the most approachable THD album, that by no means makes it mainstream. Partying at the fringes, THD's THD is a booze soaked ally crawl from heaven to hell, the back ally, across the street and through the sliding glass doors of a dirty city hospital, all with a drunken smile and not so subtle wink of the eye. If this album doesn't catch you with its clever lyrics, great music, and dirty jazz/blues/rockabilly feel, check yourself for a pulse and a clue. You may be missing both.

    By shakeysue
    Enjoy, this is the first in a seris of incredible albums. Very different: combines new and old sounds, edgey lyrics, innovative music... That Handsome Devil has got me hooked.
  • hot damn!

    By piper st.honore
    I said HOT DAMN! Everything these guys put out BLOWS MY FREAKING MIND!!
  • uhg

    By datdudwitdeanswers
    umm how can you people enjoy this terrible abomination of an album?
  • Dating Tips

    By R4MPAGE
    Although Elephant Bones is good I thought the true masterpiece was Dating Tips I still laugh at that song after hundreds of listens, the whole album is magnificent, it's a must buy.
  • TRUELY FUNNY AND DISTURBING at the same time

    By doodles57
    sometimes when i listen to this i lough to out loud i mean cmon listen to the weird lyrics i mean they must have been half wasted when they made this album HAHAHA