By Eric in Manchester
I still think about the hockey season in My friends backyard when we had the playoffs going on when we were ousted in 4 games it was not a fun time in the city of Manchester but i still go out and work on centering Donna Cooley and K C Cooley so this song has me thinking of it
Underrated by some but still a Classic outfit
By tatt15
I found REO S by accident way back in history (thatvwould be 1973) having bought the amazing Atlantic Records triple blue sky and clouds compilation album in the UK. Its best track by far, IMHO, was 157 Riverside Avenue. At a time when everywhere in London it was party time 7 nights a week, if “none music” diversions created an empty dance floor all you had to do was put 157 on the turntable and you couldn’t find space to move. Says it all.........
Very good!
By TheMartinator
REO Speedwagon is another band from the 80's I like to listening too. I like most of they're songs, and they don't get to old when I listen to them a bunch.
That ain't love
By Solearo
REO rocks. We all ❤ you guys. You are (the) best.
And to LV mik3, in the back of the 70's muscle car? For your information some of us were locked in the trunk.
By Brettguy5
This is one of the best albums in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but, wheres tough guys? That is one of there best songs to me
By LVmik3
Any one who cant find somthing to like about REO is obviously a arrogant self indullgent tool bag! They have sold millions of records and are still great to see today! They make great music and helped concieve a ton of babies all over the country! If you never got busy to REO in the back of a 70's muscle car you dont know what your missin!
By LloydMcCullough
'The Key' is arguably the best song on here but they're all awesome! Although, I'm a loyal Kevin Cronin fan so I don't care for 'Sophisticated Lady' and the like as much.....
REO's first album
By SSchulz
After the dumped their original lead singer they also lost the the guts of a truly great rock and roll band - the wimp they replaced him with destroys 157 riverside avenue - the first album with the front of the truck is hard to find and will probably never make it to I tunes but sophisticated lady gives a little insight into what they once were. I found a copy on E Bay
I'Il never forget their version of Sympathy for the Devil at an outdoor concert downtown chicago they were so good and became so bad
REO Speedwagon: The Two Discs
By RocArson
You want a little variety? Here you are Speedwagon Fans "Don't Let Him Go," "Take it on the Run" are excellent tracks as well as 157 Riverside Avenue, Roll with the changes and Son of a Poor Man REALLY KICK. If you want MOST of the essentials of REO Spedwagon there you go This may have 33 tracks but even that can't tame the Speedwagon. They've got much more. Look into this band! If you do you and your fellow listeners will be endowed with one of the main essentials of Rock and Roll music and all that comes with it.
By Dr.Rad
I wish they had included I Don't Want To Lose You on this album. Because that song kicked like this album does -- and would fit right in. Great review, tru fax