Crash Test Dummies-Jingle All The Way
By Santa Grinch
This is not your mother's Christmas album. I love it. My wife hates it. We are both Crash Test Dummies fans. Each track is unique, Jingle Bells will make Scrooge dance.
Haunting and Christmasy
By klinqueen
Those words rarely go together (Nightmare Before Christmas being the exception, but it's even too perky), but it belongs here. Buy this for "The First Noel", stay for the ups and downs of the rest. Contemplate the meaning of life with a spiked egg nog, sitting on a log watching a slow quiet snowfall while listening...perfect.
A classic cd that Festivus would be proud of
By lamoracke
I cant tell if their lead singer sings weird on purpose. Either way, the sound is so odd its fun. If anyone puts "Jingle Bells" on their christmas cds, folks will go whoa, what is that? Same with Good King Wencelas. This cd is worth it for the lead singer's renditions. A lady sings half of the songs and she is not bad by any means but she's not just very noteworthy.