R.I.P. Jhnny Winter...
By Ronald Quinlan
Johnny Winter has left a legacy that others can only wish to aspire to!! You will be sadly missed!!
Great debut album forJohnny
By KingDon1958
Be careful with a fool ii still the best blues song ive ever heard 7/17/14 Johnny left us but his music will live on Johnny Winter on Columbia is where it all started
johnny winter
By Chuckaround
This is not only one of the best Johnny Winter albums, it is one of the great blues albums. Period. If you don't have it, get it. If you have it, play it often. and loudly!!
This, and Second Winter, are the best albums you can hear…If you like the blues, you have to love this!!
vintage johnny
By moonmycron
From here on in begin the johnny w peak years. If you really listen you'll hear some mindboggling blues
One of the best!!
By jcdogs
I remember I guess around 1969-70, I went to the Filmore East to see teh Jeff Beck Group, Rod Stewart etc. Jeff alwats had a penchant for cancelling shoes back then. So this new band from Texas took his place. The FGilmore was dark. All you cold see was this white hair in the darkness. The announcer said, as he always did, "welcome if you would, Winter". What followed was flat out freaky. This albino guitarist with a raspy powerful voice tore the house down. I've been a fan ever since. Electric Blues! Saw him a few years ago, I guess around 5, in Atlantic City. Mostly blind, unable to stand for the whole show, Johnny proved that he is one of the greatest blues guitarist of our time. This album exemplifies that. Be Careful with a Fool is one of the best pure guitar masterpieces. So many great tracks. If you like KWX or Johnny Lang or any of these new blues "kids", they learned from JW!!
This is the real stuff
By PeteRimbaud
Before there was Stevie Ray Vaughan there was Johnny Winter, the albino blues guitarist/singer from Texas who played hard and heavy. Johnny and saxophonist/keyboardist brother Edgar made a big splash around 1970, though where Edgar favored large raucous ensembles, Johnny made his name with the lean, mean trio that appears on this disc. Apart from showing off phenomenal chops, Johnny plays the hardest, meanest licks you'll hear anywhere and the trio format of most of the songs prevents any haze of background players or gratuitious horns from muddying the message. This is le blues sauvage, and if you like that you'll like this. "I'm yours and I'm hers", "Leland, Mississippi", and the acoustic "Dallas" are especially striking.
By Thank"U"Nikola Tesla
He has a music driven soul ...nough' said.
Great Album
By Troutdog1
This album is one of Johnny Winters best. Especially I"m Yours and I'm Hers and Be Careful with a Fool. A must have!!!!
Johnny Winter
By Manic Cowboy
One of the best blues-rock albums ever! This original guitar-slinger from Texas is still at the top of my list along with Freddy, Stevie, Jimmie and Billy G.
Johnny Winter
By steveodakine
Johhny is playing tonight in Honolulu and this album bring back all the memories of the 70s