When he's not singing with his voice, he's singing with his piano.
By rymac11
I saw Rudy live at my college. His setup was simple: him on piano and his brother on drums, but the music was astounding. You can feel the soul he puts into his piano playing and he's not afraid to mix it up a little. He really put on a great show and was more than happy to meet and talk with his fans. You are gonna see this guy in Rolling Stone one day.
His Voice is CRAZY!
By The Plutopian
I played the first album to death, bought 2 copies for friends, talked about him on radio, etc. The harmonies, chord progressions, instrumentation, song writing, this dude has got it all! Just because you can't find good music on the radio, does not mean there is no good music! Keep Bangin' Rudy!
What an Artist....
By jRenzy
When I first heard of Rudy Currence back in 2003, the first song that I heard was "Love Song", I instantly fell in love with his sound. Over the years I have grown deeper and deeper in love with Rudy's work. He is a very anointed, passionate and gifted artist. I don't use "artist" lightly. If you listen closely, you will hear backgrounds and arrangements that would make you stop and say WOW, how could a mind even think to take a song there? I love Rudy, I have purchased every album he has and I can honestly say I PURCHASED. I love Rudy, I can't wait till his "Junior" project come out. Please go get his freshman and sophomore albums. They are a blessing. Rudy can not be categorized as R&B, he to me is "Soul" because his music crosses Gospel, R&B, Classical and Jazz genre's, his music goes deep down to your... SOUL!
Wonderful Man!
By Twilliams20
This man is absolutely wonderful!!! He visited my school and I have been hooked on him since! His sound is so beautiful and some of his songs can bring you to tears! I have listened to weave ponytail atleast 50 times already.
He's just..................................
Loving It...Again
By Hopless Romantic
I have his first album and I went through hell just to nab it...It's been over two years and I still can't get enough of him. Kudos Currence...forever you will have a fan on this side. It is artists like you, DeVaughn, Shand, & Thicke that complete the ultimate love mix. Keep it coming
awesome album
By kiki2cute20
First of all i love my cousin veryy much and think all is singing is wonderful.
I really like Weave Ponytail, I think it is a fantastic song