Who produced this album?
By 403shoeco
Great songwriting with very sing-a-longable countryfied lyrics, catchy riffs and composition.... but is it just me or does Nikki go noticably sharp every so often?!? Where is the auto tune in post production? I would like to hear her next album sound more "finished" . keep rockin.
WOW! This girl can sing!
By Dal Antonio
I just got this album, I have listened to non stop.
By bpaschal45
I bet she can sing better than both of you so shut it.
no good!
By L_town
personally i dont think she can sing. its definately way to old school. my dad listened to that when he was a kid...now he's 47! and countryfied? whats that...more like horrified!
its okay.......
By PatricknAngelica
she sounds like she is trying to sound like garth brookes or something, and some of the songs arent that great.