Dan's Catalog is Uneven
By Pacfamily
Lots of people, especially critics, despise Dan's music. They describe him as maudlin, histrionic, overwrought, adolescent, one notch better than Michael Bolton, which is low praise indeed.
I must admit that I find some of his stuff to be sappy, sentimental schlock, and some of his lyrics are just cringeworthy. But if you hunt around a bit, you'll find some great songs. Seriously, don't miss "Dancing Shoes" on this record--it's gorgeous--or "The Last Nail" on Captured Angel. There's some really nice stuff on his first two records as well.
By LP Illinois
Listening to this 'ol Illinois boy brings back memories for me...freshman year in college, University of Alabama....1976....I can remember this being my song with a guy I dated from Birmingham, Al. Being an 'ol Illinois gal myself.....Dan Fogelberg was such a true artist. The lyrics rip you apart and after all these years bring tears to my eyes! Many 'ol bands and artists are touring today....just heard Styx with Tommy Shaw last week. I would have given anything to hear Dan now. The town of Peoria, Illinois named a street after him and I believe has a statue of him in a park.....
Soul stirring
By jfergusfl
As I listen to this album again and again, it always finds those memories you tucked away from times good and bad, it takes you back. He is one of the all time greats when it comes to composing...a lot of people write, a lot play, it took a master like Dan to show us the beauty of what composing music was all about. For me, he always had the lyrics that made me ponder, lifted me and in some cases, made me see that I was not the only one in the place I was that day or my life at the time. We will miss him and godspeed to him as he soars above us.....farther along as he put it.
A differing opinion
By patzlin
Since everyone here seems to agree it's a masterpiece, please allow me to offer a different view, if only for the sake of counterpoint. Mr. Fogelberg is clearly an accomplished musician, but his high singing voice is not for everyone. I, for one, find him much more palatable when he doesn't strain so much. I cannot find fault with the ambition on display here, but the results (to my ears, of course) sound not so much like accomplished music as, well, kitsch. Sentimental, lyrically adolescent, with cliche imagery and overblown instrumentation, this frequently crosses the boundary between moving and histrionics. The songs here are varied, but rarely achieve the kind of melodic interest they aspire to. Defying its standard angst lyrics, Loose Ends manages to achieve a kind of operatic sweep in its arrangement.
Nether Lands by Dan Fogelberg
By OuiselDarnoc
Dan's 4th LP is to me his awakening to the journey that brought him to his "Rockie Mountain High". He'd used that phrase in an interview once. The Rockies will do that too you. No drugs needed. The title track spoke just of this high Dan felt about his life at that time. Once Upon a Time is about a love lost and the feeling there was no replacement, yet he continued the search. I interpret Dancing Shoes to be about a past love that will always be a part of oneself. Lessons Learned is about the process of love and never losing the need to share it for that's what love is all about. Desparately searching for answers about love and what one does to fill the void but never can. Love Gone By is all about mixed emotions brought on by lost love that once was so true. Promises Made in love that are broken over and over again each time you think you find it, you are again betrayed. Give Me Some Time is about learning to trust another yet finding you're holding back... just in case. Scarecrows Dream is about building walls to protect you yet wanting to be found and loved again. Sketches is images in ones mind of a lost love and the wondering why it didn't last. Holding on. False Faces....the betrayal of love.
Nether Lands is filled with the ups and downs love brings to us all at one time or another. If you've lost a love, and can't forget, this album is for you. Dan read your mind, wrote down the words from your very soul and set them to beautiful music.
Netherlnds rw
By DF-tx fan
The last Fogelberg album I ever bought in 1977. Orchestal, touching, all of what made Dan's music.
By Logan, UT. A college I'll LOVE ALWAYS, & some the greatest friends I've ever & still have!
One of the most dynamic artists I've ever been introduced to & thank two of my most special friends for sharing Him and those crazy wonderful times of my life with me ! I'll never forget the Toyada Celica or Logan Canyon listening to Dan Fogelbergs' many albums while driving in such beautiful countryside with those special friends & singing along at the top of our voices'
ability without hurting our young glorious voices! Oh how it melted the pressures of college finals away. Bless the heart of that tallented man. I too can't believe I haven't listented to this music since then almost 30yrs.
Oct. 10, 2009
Wonderful songs
By Michael from Cary IL
Wow--this is beautiful music. Nice listening music for Dan's great lyrics and melodies.
A Very Stirring Work
By Gunga Diner Patron
One of Dan Fogelburg's works. "nuff said!
Memories Brought Back
By FanOfDan
Wow, have I missed this album. I can't believe I let myself go and not listen to this album for over 15 years. What was I thinking? I played this album all the time in college, it always relaxed me. I always felt better listening to it. (I'm listening to "Lessons Learned" right now) I've been thinking alot about Dan recently, don't know why...I miss him so much right now. He left us way too soon. Thanks Dan for helping me get through college...great memories! Thanks iTunes for carrying this album, but please correct the spelling for "False Faces."!