Alegría (Grabado en Vivo en Santiago de Chile) - Marcos Witt

Alegría (Grabado en Vivo en Santiago de Chile)

Marcos Witt

  • Genre: Latin
  • Release Date: 2006-10-30
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 15

  • ℗ 2006 CanZion Group LP


Title Artist Time
Introducción Marcos Witt 1:22
Mira Nomás Marcos Witt 3:28
Aclama a Dios Marcos Witt 3:14
Alegre, Muy Alegre Marcos Witt 3:43
Sólo en Ti Marcos Witt 4:19
Tú Eres el Gozo Marcos Witt 4:39
Dios de Mi Salvación Marcos Witt 7:34
Tómame en Tus Brazos Luis Pedraza & Marcos Witt 5:55
Presentación Marcos Witt 0:47
Cristo, Amante de Mi Alma Elena Witt 4:57
Fuente de Vida Marcos Witt 6:24
Tú Me Haces Tan Feliz Marcos Witt 6:47
Con Todo el Gozo Marcos Witt 5:02
Vive Tu Alegría Marcos Witt & Luis Pedraza 6:02
Poema de Salvación (Bonus Tra Marcos Witt 3:40


  • Excellent album!!!

    By idrum4Him
    For the man down at the bottom....Marcos is still and will continue touching people's lives with his music. He's truly a man of God...I know him personally. God continues to use him tremendously. If you don't like him, don't listen to it...It's that simple! By the way, this cd was awesome and won a Grammy! GBU
  • it is the best

    By mannydrummer
    i think this the best album of marcos witt i like all of the songs it has
  • Buan calidad pero ...

    By PPY75
    Marcos Witt es un increible musico y gran siervo de Dios, pero concuerdo con muchos de los que han dado sus opiniones acerca de este proyecto. Musicalmente hablando es excelente, la instrumentacion es muy buena y la calidad es digna de ser reconocida. Pero hace algunos trabajos atras que la musica y el "feeling" que antes tenia Marcos con sus proyectos no son lo mismo. Cuando el empezo con la musica de "Alabanza y Adoracion" sus canciones eran mas sencillas, precisamente para que sean relativamente faciles de interpretar en una iglesia, a mas de eso, sus canciones impactaban de una manera especial. Ahora pareciera que hay mas enfasis en hacer un "show" (sin intencion de ofender porque no es los que esta en el corazon de este gran siervo) antes de hacer que estos trabajos sean para que la iglesia tenga mejor repertorio. Antes era mucho mas sencillo interpretar sus canciones y tener buena musica en los cultos, pero ahora para hacerlo hay que tener una orquesta al frente... ojala regresen los tiempos de Te exaltamos, Poderoso, Alabadle, Vencio, Proyecto AA...
  • Pretty Good

    By Joe Madre
    Sup, my name is mando founder of R&Hmusic and as a music producer i think this was made was good indeed but...i think marcos has been making live cd too much maybe but i think the greatest cd he made (live cd) would be DIOS DE PACTOS
  • Good

    By OgOz
    I respect God servants and I honestly think that Marcos Witt has been a wonderful musician. He has always come up with good music. Alegria is a nice cd with wonderful music, I can not say anything about it since it is well arrange there is a mixture of styles including the big hit Mira Nomas since it has a nice salsa groove other styles such as gospel are also involved. The music is really good and it is a well recorded cd like the other cd's but it seems that there is something missing and this is really obvious since most persons agree. I do not know what has happen but I know it can be fixed. May God bless this man with this cd and the others that God has planned.
  • Too much of a "show" not enough Praise and Worship!

    By Cmg E3
    I,like many others was excited to hear the new album from Marcos Witt.I wasn't dissapointed,but I wasn't too thrilled either.This album definetaly lacks the songwriting genius of Emanuel Espinoza and Juan Salinas who wrote most of Marcos Witt's best songs.In fact the only song on here that is really worth buying other than "Cristo,Amante de mi Alma" which was written by Elena Witt (who actually steals the spotlight from her father with this brilliant song) is "Solo en Ti" which was written by these two talented men.Marcos Witt's concert"s have turned into too much of a "show" rather than a praise and worship service which is what really worked on his previous albums and lacks in this one.
  • Great Album! but It lacks something.

    By Micos y Pericos
    I think that this album has some good songs but not all of the songs have that touch. i'm used to Marcos Witt songs in a CD to all be top of the line. i'm not sure about this one. thanxs
  • Ha cambiado Marcos su estilo? . . . We want the old Marcos

    By Puro Guate
    Este disco tiene una buena instrumentacion y buenos arreglos musicales . . . PERO! . . . las melodias ya no son como las de antes, le hace falta mejorar sus motivos musicales y letras. Sera que Marcos Witt esta cambiando su estilo? . . . porque ya lleva dos CDs que nada que ver. Espero que regresen los buenos tiempos como Enciende una Luz, Dios de Pactos, Vencio, etc.
  • Little comment on Marcos Witt.

    By K_Palito
    I honestly believe with all my heart that Marcos Witt is a tremendous, anointed servant of the Lord whom he uses greatly. His last albums have been unexpected to my ears as a musician seeing as how when it comes to Marcos, i go back to "Sana nuestra tierra" or "Enciende una Luz". I can say he has done a fantastic job on his previous recordings. Others that debate other wise can say what they would like to, but when it comes to knowing the name "Marcos Witt", most of Christian latin singers, and people from around Latin America know him as one of the top best in Christian latin music. As for myself being a salsero (mostly), i believe he can bring out a good flavor in any album. Sure not all songs i really really enjoy, but i do find some very cool songs and with "sabor" (English - flavor). Either way Marcos is a servant of the Lord and i respect him as a anointed willing servant, as well as pastor and singer that he is. This album is great! ps. I would play drums for him anytime. ;)
  • some please

    By lilconejito213
    take dis guy out of his misery

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