By R Gerk
Generally, everything Logistics touches is audio-gold.
Logistics comes through again...
By Esoteric Ear...
with "Red Sky At Night" especially and also with "Call Me Back" gets a 4 star notable.
expanding my mind before blowing it clean out
By Muffin tops master
The highly technical beats of this LP are expanding my mind before blowing it clean out. The precise high-hats are freaking phenomenal.
Great album
By Ballin Panda Bear
This is probably the best album by Logistics, definitely recommended if ya like DnB or Dance music
Some seriously raw tracks
By JazznBass
The first time I heard this album was on a 19 hour bus trip from Chicago to Vail, Colorado. I remember hearing the first couple songs and thinking this is what drum and bass should sound like. I listened to the rest of the first disc and was genuinely amazed. So i listened to it again all the way through and even though I fell asleep a couple times driving through the mountains at 2 am, it was one of the best experiences with drum and bass I've had. Now, 2 years later 'Haunted by Her Yesterdays' and 'Everything is Illuminated' are both sitting at the top of my playcount list at 50+.
So if you're interested in the calibre of drum and bass that logistics and hospital records brings to the table, this album (disc one specifically) is a great place to start.
2-StepS and ShuffleS
Logistics' new album "Now more than ever" can be described as an erratic approach to boil the blood...highly animated sub tones and intense melodies make this album stand out more than any artist off of Hospital Records (Aside from maybe Klute and Nu:Tone {Personal Favorites})
But lets not be biased...
I'm very pleased to see this 2-disc set get some great reviews. "Beatbox Master", "City Life", and "Cascades of Colour" are some of the well mixed singles you'll find on this album. With each listening of a new track I find it hard to not love it sneak a peak and listen up. I guarantee your ears won’t have a problem with taking this all in...One break at a time!!
Dj FitZ
It's been done before...
By ST in WC
This CD is very reminiscent of High Contrast's "True Colors," some of the lush styling of Pendulum, and then some of Aphrodite's "Urban Junglist." There's not much new here except the way the different styles of the aforementioned artists are blended together.
Highest Quality DnB
By Mc Enzo
This is by far and away the best album of Drum'n'Bass ever to hit the market. If you like Dark side stuff, this might not all be for you, but if you come from trance and other forms of electronic dance as your background, this will blow you away. "Call Me Back" is the best Drum'n'Bass track to ever be released! Buy this album!
oh yeah
By yoko28
i think this album is pretty good, considering the fact i don't really like this music genre.
plus, i think logistics is one ::hawt dood::
No way.
By CouilleDeChamo
I genuinely enjoy this genre of music but even for dance this is excruciatingly repetitive... every single song has the same beat.
This is even more highlited by the fact that there are 25! Two hours of this would, without a doubt, cause me to spontaneously combust.