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Title Artist Time


  • The best he did

    By awilco
    Miles spent his whole life pushing the limits of Jazz and music, and we have a large proportion of todays music greats to thank for it. When you first listen to this you wonder what the hell is going on - a bit like the free jazz episode when Miles tore up the crib sheet and introduced discordant jazz. This album requires a few listenings to, personally after 20 years I couldn't live without this album, it is one of the sweetest and most musical contraptions Miles came up with, worthy of a place next to Herbie's Future shock. The fact that the establishment didn't like this album is praise indeed for Miles Davis creative talent. Just ask yourself how you can make some of the stuff in this album musical and it will open up a whole arena of music you never thought to listen to. If you respect the likes of Herbie Hancock and Miles Davies and understand what they did for jazz, then this album is a cornerstone in where fusion came from, and had Miles lived another ten years I believe we would have had a new form of jazz now rather than the stunted efforts we have today.
  • sweet cover

    By lordplayer
    Miles Davis is actually holding a machine gun on the cover of the CD jacket and that quote in white lettering is insane. Ahh 1985, where did go? Well, "Human Nature" is awesome! Buy it! "Time after time" is also good (buy it) and "You're Under Arrest" (if you like Miles, buy it) is listenable. The rest? An experiment gone horribly wrong. Undeniably the CD has monster players on it, but the music some is some sort of unsuccessful acid trip.
  • What happened to the rest of the CD???

    By Jordainio Howellio
    I dont have much to say, except that discarding the other tracks on this album is like having a sandwich with just bread...youre under arrest is a great song! Buy full album!