I can’t belive you of all people I’d put my life on the line not tru god dame bro broke my heart
By flipar15
Flip ar15
great midwestern rock and roll
By snagel4
This is a great representation of a band that was on the verge of superstardom. Very comfortable on stage after years of playing night after night in bars and festivals around the midwest. Not only is Gary's guitar playing underated but a great rythm section too. My first REO show was 1979 at Milwaukee's Summerfest grounds with Molly Hatchet opening, back when concerts cost less than $10.
One of the top ten live albums of all time!!!!!!
By Needs uplifting!!!
A great live album back when they really did a live album!!!!! A great collection of songs that all the people tight and putting some fine music out!!!!
Gary at his best
REO at their hard rockin best. Gary plays his butt off. one of the best live albums of all time
best ever
By MF`n brettster
find the japanese import, its complete
REO's Desert Island Disc
By Razorback9926
Their best album. More guitar licks, less poppy sound than everything since. Kevin sings in a lower register than his later power ballad voice. Much better listening.
My only criticism is the bass is too low, and they still haven't restored the two missing songs "Little Queenie" and "Gary's Guitar Solo."
missing songs
By tubbyPANTs
Can't believe they would release without the epic guitar solo-pre VH and the missing song
One of the best...
By crazeera
This album is one of the best, front to back, to be committed to vinyl. Like You Do, IMHO, is their best song, Period. There is no real dropoff in quality, every song adds to the one before. Now, if Itunes could issue the ENTIRE album as it was recorded, then that would be ideal. I own this on vinyl, on Itunes and CD. Not much music I would do that for, but this is one of them.
Not the REO of the 80s (Much Better!)
By CrashC23
Quite simply there best album ever! If you've never heard this album and think you know REO then give this a listen. It's not the Keep On Loving You pop like they made in the 80s. It's a great rock and roll album and one of the best live albums ever. The music almost has a southern rock feel (similar to the Outlaws first two albums). The lyrics are upbeat, the music is infectious, and delivered to an appreciative crowd. In their early days they drew big crowds in the mid-West even before they hit the big time and these fans know the music and respond enthusiastically to many of the opening riffs. Gary Richrath was a heckuva guitar player and he's given ample room to show off his chops (unlike in later years). Kevin Cronin is an energetic front man and the band is tight (from many years on the road). Their music went in a whole different (pop) direction in the years following this release. For me this is REO at their best.
Time for a REMASTER!!!
One of the best live albums ever!
By Amimo_X
This is my second favorite live album. With my first being Frampton Comes Alive. The reason the CD is missing two tracks is due to the CD's time limitations. Once technology had advanced, it was just never added back. And even though it a 2 album version, they did not want to have it as a 2 CD release.
After the release of their next album, their rock and roll energy died as they became more about pop and less about rock. They were never the same. Never as raw.
The 45 live version of Keep Pushin' is way better than the LP version. It is OOP, but can be had on eBay.