One of my favorites!!
By Phinman111
This album takes me back to my youth!! Love EVERY song on this album. No music is made like this anymore!!
Funny guys
By Reckia6
It kind of feels like BOC did this album for their fans, the ones (like me) who were put off by the pop songs on their previous three studio albums. The back cover is full on in-jokes that only true BOC fans will find amusing. As for the album itself, I love all of side one and hate all of side two. My least favorite song is The Marshall Plan while my favorite song would be Black Blade, Eric Bloom's second collaboration with Michael Moorcock and Bloom's finest song since The Subhuman. A very good sounding and heavy album, it's too bad half of the songs aren't up to snuff.
By goldninernic
I remember seeing them with black sabbath in salem ore. at oregon jam in aug.1980 .. it was when iran was holding 444 U.S. hostages and the ahatollh komeni was calling the U.S.A the "great satan".... so when buck dharma was introducing "divine wind" he goes:"THIS ONE'S FOR THE AHAOTOLLH"!!!! and he takes out a knife and cuts his palm of his right hand.....i'm sure it was fake but it looked very real with lots of blood...great show/great album!!!!!
Some of the best metal ever
By Octohorse
Some of the greatest metal songs ever recorded can be found on this collection. Even after 25 years after listening to it for the first time in the 80's and since, its power and energy still come though. It starts with a roar in "Black Blade" and doesn't let up until the last screams of "reveal to me!" die off in "Unknown Tongue". Personal favorites: "Lips in the Hills", "Black Blade", "Monsters", "Deadline", "Unknown Tongue". "Lips" compels me to crank the stereo anytime it comes up, I never grow tired of it.
Good, to almost great album
By proflandry
I picked this up on a whim; I wanted some BOC, but not another "Greatest Hits" of live album. I remember this album from tooling around the record store my older brother worked at. The only song I knew was "Black Blade." At first I thought it was a little cheesy and dated, especially some of the keyboards, but it really grew on me after a couple listens. There really isn't a bad song on the entire CD. For me, the best tracks are: Monsters, Deadline, Hungry Boys (cheesy, but great), and Fallen Angel.
Cultosaurus Erectus
By ap0043
There isn't one good song on this whole entire album. Every track is complete garbage. B.O.C. were real "hit-and-miss" throughout their entire career. They had a few small "gems" here and there and a lot of un-listenable garbage as well.
By Shawnskii
Great album from my formative years. Very innovative music with an album cover to enhance the musical mood. Still sounds as good now as it did back then.
Great and Spooky
By nightrain01
My sister introduced me to BOC with this album and I remember thinking that it had a creepy and evil vibe to it, in short, awesome! Standout tracks include the Michael Moorcock penned "Black Blade",( which was based off his Conan-inspired character, Elric.) "The Marshall Plan", "Hungry Boys", and "Unknown Toungue". Highly recommended.
Blue Oyster Cult - Cultosaurus Erectus
By franky R.
Awsome album!!!!!!!!!!!
A legendary album
By Sam Jean Samaha
This, along with Agents of Fortune and Mirrors are for me, the consumate 1970's progressive rock albums, and BOC's best work.. a must have album for any serious rock guitar and fan of talented rock music. You're not going to find music like this too easily today, so you've got to dig back to yesteryear! 5-stars....