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Title Artist Time


  • My favorite album

    By Mary8881
    I love this album so much. It's my favorite of all time.
  • Lyrically- The Best of Her Collection!

    By RJMelella
    Introspective and addicting to the ear, this album will cause you to ponder, wander and reflect on what the singer/songwriter is painting for you in some of the most effective use of pop lyrics written in the 70's. "Music Critics" seem to believe "Tapestry" is Carole at her creative best, but many musicians, particularly songwriters, gravitate more towards the Rhymes and Reasons of this album for their fix of 70's folk/rock pop. This is what 70's songwriting and storytelling is all about. Best enjoyed with a glass of wine, a loaf of bread and some friends.
  • Mellow...

    By Lisa L. Carr
    Carole King is one of the all-time great singer/songwriters and this album has an especially mellow feel... Been to Canaan, Bitter with the Sweet, and I Think I Can Hear You are deeply spiritual songs, performed sweetly...