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Title Artist Time


  • All Heart, He's One Of Us

    By who cares?????????????????????
    For a star this big, who's already reached the peak, to set aside stardom for his integrity is astounding in America. His finger is on the pulse of our country, not on the charts, his pocketbook or opinions. For those who don't understand this album, count your lucky stars that life has not dealt you something sufficient enough to open your eyes. Not yet, anyway. Life is all about grit, no matter how thick a layer of gloss you are able to pile on top to conceal it.
  • Awful !

    By Floyd Davidson
    The whole thing is incredibly pointless and boring
  • Born in the USA-81-85 high school

    By mpryanII
    When I started listening to the Boss and now almost 40 years later and listening on SXM RADIO, just can believe his song writing and theatrical making you feel the song in your thoughts. This music is part of human life with life’s ups and downs, will always be a Bruce Springsteen fan!
  • Brilliantly bold and bravely subdued

    By Granny's Gone Rabid
    The starkness of the ablum cover says all we need to know. Leave all of your pre conceived notions of a Springsteen album behind. There's a storm gathering on the planes and we're heading into it. It's probably my favorite Springsteen ablum because it completely stands on its own. It doesn't remind of us anything that came before it or after it. A brilliantly captured time capsule of demos whose unfinished, raw, somber tone places it amongst the best albums by an American artist that haunts the hallways of American Gothic music. The musical companion to Capote's "In Cold Blood" and a wonderful bookend to John Mellencamp's equally sentient "Scarecrow" that followed 2 years later.
  • Heartfelt album of all time in American music history....

    By ChristopherVercheak74
    One of the most Heartfelt album of all time in American music history.... takes you to the very root/fabric of American people and history... makes you feel so proud to be born and raised in America the most freest country in the world!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

    By Uncle Joe's Tunz
    This is the best album by Bruce Springsteen and maybe the best album to come out in the 80s. Story songs and Bruce reveals his inner songs. Songs about the underbelly of America. I love the sparness of the album. They may have only been demos but I am so glad it was released this way. I grew to love Bruce after this song. I tried to get into him before this but never did. Now I conside him as one of the best singer songwriter and band leader. This is the one I come back to. Uncle Joe's Tunz! Uncle Joe's Tunz!
  • Perfect

    By gabanzas
    This is my favorite album of all times every song hits deep this is a emotional roller coasters..❤️❤️❤️

    By The Nukes
    I bought this album when I was in 8th grade and it's haunted me ever since. I listen to it every night when I fall asleep. I'm not lying. The outtakes are even better. Go listen to Losin Kind and Child Bride on You Tube. Best album ever in my mind.
  • Daring Masterpiece

    By Mwalimu_B
    Nebraska stands out among Bruce Springsteen albums for its refusal to follow the rules. Recorded in Bruce’s bedroom and released as it is, the album practically defines the Lo-Fi movement, and represented a risky move coming on the heels of The River, his most commercial and high selling album to date at that point. Most importantly, Nebraska is songwriting of the highest caliber: it solidified Springsteen‘s reputation for sophisticated and introspective lyrics, delving into the darkness the heart of what he has called “American isolation.”
  • Boring… at first

    By JTdesign
    I remember buying this album on cassette because I liked the first single, Open All Night, which was sparse, but still had lots of energy. Popped the cassette in my dashboard player and was immediately bummed out. It took me YEARS to really appreciate this record from a story-telling perspective. Musically, it's still a bit dull, but the lyrics are very compelling. … I recommend The Band's version of Atlantic City – stellar.