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Title Artist Time


  • Clark is EPIC!

    By Architeuthis International
    The Autumnal Crush is alone worth the price of admission on this album. Its not too often you find electronic music of this caliber. I love to hearing Clark's tracks evolve and morph.
  • Masterpiece.

    By Lorn
    What else is there to say? Filled with the limits of emotion from bane to bliss. Moving.
  • Absolutely Gorgeous

    By Love and Comedy
    My favorite album. The Autumnal Crush brings me to tears.
  • body riddle

    By Gyzmkid
    so good..
  • A Sonic Journey

    By Salvatorin
    I could go on and on about this album, but I can say in short what it does: This album blends free jazz and musique-concrete sound textures with electronic production to make an album so amazing, an abstract sonic masterpiece. BUY IT! But I'd actually say buy the cd because you must get the full quality of sound here, there is so much layering here you wouldn't want to lose just the slightest bit.
  • Herzog....

    By HeatheredPearls
    I can only write in profanity to describe how much i think Herzog is better than any piece of music written by a composer in the 21st Century. goodnight.
  • An Absolutely Awesome And Amazing Album!

    By capella_891
    Definitely 5 stars for this one! This is one of my very fave albums. It's unique and it has a wonderful flow: as each song concludes, it also begins a subtle transition into the next song. It's evident that a lot of work went into this album, every song is incredible and expertly composed. Highly recommended as good music for astronomy, driving at night, working on algebra, researching, or just relaxing and contemplating! My very fave tracks are Ted, Night Knuckles, and Herzog. If you like this album, you might also like: Pavilion by Lineland and Enjoy Your Rabbit by Sufjan Stevens.
  • no more explaination needed

    By The Tremulant
    Dude Clark owns.
  • Skeptic sucked in

    By AberrantUno
    I listen to a lot of electonic music of all kinds ranging from Klause Schutze to Aphex Twin/Squarepusher and really have learned the difference between music that are breaking ground...and simply breaking wind...lol...I would put this as one who is on top of his game...I am hard to please and will admit I did not buy the whole album at once but instead bought one song..listened to it for a while...fell in to it and went back for more...ok...the 3 that sucked me in were Herr Bar, Vengeance Drools and finally, The Autumnal Crush. each song has its own impact on different levels...and yes like in anything experimental not every song is a winner..but that is what half the fun is...finding that diamond in the rough. if you like this you may also like Deru, Off The Sky, and maybe Nubulae
  • top notch

    By WilhelmWill
    i've been a fan of chris clark ever since his signing to warp records and this may in fact be my favorite record of his yet.