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Title Artist Time


  • Every track singable, memorable

    By North end commuter
    I played sax growing up. This album has the best big band supporting a vocalist I've ever heard. Memorable lyrics, catchy fills, top notch solos and kicks. Just rediscovered this in amazon prime music and I remember every nuance of it like it was yesterday. That's how good it is.

    By Rebote
    Every Man Should Know is a very close second, but BLRL is perfection!
  • A LOT OF FUN!!

    By Hoppy007
    Take it from a person who loves rock this is a very fun album. Love it when the band is involved with the vocals.
  • Comparison

    By pneshati
    Does this remind you of Sinatra?
  • Exceptional

    By US Marine
    This album is truly a wonderful, uplifting piece of music, especially is you are a jazz/big band fan. Harry Connick was my savior during the first Gulf War, as a woman from Chicago sent me this in an "Any Service Member" package. I have never forgotten this album because it brought cheer to an otherwise very dreary time. Thanks, Harry.
  • Amazing Big Band Music

    By DrMK
    I know Harry Connick Jr. has been playing jazz ever since he was a kid, and I like a few of his other albums, but this by far is the best one so far!!! I was turned onto this album in 1992 and continued playing it in my car for years before I changed the tape (yes, I said the tape). It never grows old! In fact, once the tape went bad, I went out and bought the cd, have it in my iTunes and my iShuffle now! There hasn't been another album Harry has done (other than the soundtrack to "When Harry Met Sally") that I've like as much! Great big band sound, lots of swing, vocals, instruments and fun. If you only get one of his albums, make it this one!!