
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Dumb lyrics

    By ak1200
    I’m not sure why this got tagged as alternative when it’s clearly your typical hip hop with dumb lyrics. Some of the music is good but then there’s some that are purposefully distorted and sound terrible. I’m disappointed I spent the money on it.
  • Recapturing the first album

    By wildbae73
    Great album, great songs, interesting concepts
  • 💋

    By Z1.EP
    BUY Z1 by ZYEHVI
  • 🔥🔥🔥

    By Dom 317
    Real Hustler is insane! Hidden gems on this and tracks will go crazy!
  • Let Down

    By Devin Spahr
    What a huge let down. Saint JHN is such a special artist. He’s trying way too hard to switch to a genre that just isn’t for him. He has such a special and unique sound that made him the artist he is I hope he can get back to his roots on the next album.
  • Evil songs

    By TexanLoneStar
    And not even good ones at that, lol