So good, some of their best stuff, sound production is so clean, rapid fire in my ears disrupting electrons firing in my brain
Step in the right direction
By Campbema
This is SO much better than the last two albums. Can’t wait for more. May not be as riff loaded as prior albums. But thats to be expected without having Tom. And honestly it works perfectly with this style. But I think he would be very proud of what they’ve continued to do without him.
Absolutely Bangerz
By HK Freedom Now
This is my favorite version of Architects. Love this album so far.
good songs so far
By soad cra-z kid
I'm just concerned whether the song ''Everything Ends" is a Slipknot cover or not.
Love it!
By SpokaneSunDevil
Whiplash is an absolute banger! Can’t wait to hear the rest of the album!
Whiplash slaps hard
By DrivingWithWindowsDownAndMusicBlaring
I don’t know why really, but I’ve been listening to melodic, softer stuff lately. And then Whiplash entered my life. And it reminded me….this is what has been missing. I needed that kick in the face. Thank you for Whiplash. I am looking forward to the rest of the album.
Art Vandelay
By Maggot4lyfe
I’m an architect and can tell you that it’s nice to have Architects back in the heavy sounding tracks.
Thank god
By Jacobs cool iPod
Last album was a bummer. This one seems like a massive step up. Can’t wait!
By Jermiller
Though some people didn’t, I actually really enjoyed the more melodic nature of the last 2 albums. I love heavier stuff, but I also like the soaring choruses of songs like “Black Lungs” and “A New Moral Low Ground.” That said, I am excited that the heavier stuff is back. “Whiplash” and “Seeing Red” should greatly please the older Architects fans who have been requesting a return to the heavier stuff. “Curse” is still heavy, but has one of those more powerful, soaring choruses that I mentioned earlier. I love every bit of it! Excited for the album. Architects is consistently one of my favorite bands.