Welcome home ,Jin
By KoichiSugiyamafangirl
Ever since Jin came back from the military I’ve been waiting for him to make a new songs in an album which I can’t wait for it. He’s really amazing and this song is pretty good. I just wish he would make a romantic love version to dedicate to ARMY but either way this song is pretty amazing Iand I really do enjoy listening to it. I have mixed feelings about the song, but Jin has a good heart and he doesn’t think of himself he knows how to make ARMY happy. I can’t wait to hear the rest of your songs and congratulations on everything you’re doing since you’re back. I love you.
Best comeback song
By Liliput70
Feel good song and proves he loves ARMY so much
I’m happy that he’s back
By SwaggerSouls' boi
Jin makes everyone happy
Most amazing song, I love it so much ! 🤍
By bitteur
Can’t stop listening to it and I just love the lyrics 🫶🏻
By ARsabaMY
That’s really gooddddddd And this song has a really good feel too I love that so much Be sure to listen🥹✨
By Sarafoster
I love this song Jin! Can’t wait for your album 'Happy’ 💜💜
So fun!!!
By UpickIsUseless
Love this song and his voice! Both so fun and encouraging. Total package.
Kim Seokjin el solista
By solounmapache
Con esta canción Jin una vez más demuestra su amor por la música y por su Army. Gracias por tu trabajo, Jin💜
Jin is back
By fg13333333
Such a fun song!
By shinshinela20