EUSEXUA: The Title Of This Indoctrination Tool Is RIGHT THERE In The Name For All To See.
By Jovanni NYC
Look! ANOTHER Industry PLANT being used to attract the dimest of minds, and unfortunately,there ARE-A LOT of you dimbulbs out there to 'harvest', -to their indoctrination agenda to convince us all that people CAN change their gender just by saying they're something other than what they were born as. These Satanists, and their willing acolytes, are not even trying to hide it anymore. And look how many 5 star ratings are being manufactured in the comment section. Some of us can clearly see the plan from a mile away, others will come here, see the album vover, read the name of the 'plant', listen to this rubbish and IMMEDIATELY be MK Ultra'd into 'loving it' and leaving their own brain dead comment, lik the ones already posted by the admins.
Just keep their new motto, after they changed their plan from AGENDA 21 to THE GREAT RESET. in mind, always loves.....'You Will Own NOTHING, And You Will LIKE IT.'
Get your affairs in order with GOD before the book is closed and you are marked to perish loves. God Speed To ALL.