By starr2133b
Not R&B at all and simply garbage.
By 33544
If you’re looking for this album to continue on the success of Million Dollar Baby and Devil Is A Lie….stop looking. It’s an 80’s keyboard/synth-y R& B album, and even trying hard to give it a chance as that, it doesn’t hit the mark.
By Sp31686
All the songs sound the same. Stupid Pharrell Neptune sound. Bye this is trash. Who wants to hear old junk sounds
By weezxvii
This album stinks. Million Dollar Baby was a good song but these songs are horrible and the beats are terrible.
This album is A REVIVAL of the ART of Music!
By PhotogCyn5
Ohhh Tommy Richman! This album is TOUGH! SERIOUS. It tells a STORY. That Green Therapy… Whew! And he is an artist who is committed to remaining TRUE to his sound! What you see is what you GET! At his listening party he said that the art of music is DYING. Well he has been divinely assigned to REVIVE IT! COYOTE is ALBUM OF THE YEAR. Hands down. Point blank PERIOD!
By None6699
Eh same flow
By VKStarfox
I really like this guy’s unique sound. He’s got a fresh voice and sound signature that differs from most of today’s mainstream music, which is always good. But it just come together very well on this project. Vocals sound tired and lazy and he tries to recreate the magic of his breakout hit, but it just doesn’t work. It’s a bit of a slog to get through with not much variety and range, and once you’ve heard one track, you’ve basically heard the whole thing. You could hardly classify this as R&B. Its more like iggy pop trying to be soulful and it just comes off as lazy and boring. You could honestly sleep through this album, and would have missed nothing.
All the hype surrounding this dude, and and this is really disappointing first effort from him. I decided to give it 2 starts for at least having some originality, but what little substance and content are here is very hallow and doesn’t leave much for replay value.
Tik Tok artist
By jacksohigh
Tommy Richman
By Alexc_206
Got that vibe he’s really underrated!
Great Artist and Singer
By Nutrlzone
Love all songs, but my favorite is Whisper In My Ear… This is new but also shows his flavor from his previous works since 2016 that I discovered via looking him up on several locations like YouTube, etc. I hope he stays away from hard drugs from the luring LA/Hollywood and NYC famous lifestyles and influence from explosive fame that seems to bring on loneliness and depression for many. Stay strong Tommy Richman. 👍🏼🙏🏼🌈🍀💰🙏🏼☮️🥰