Aghori Mhori Mei - The Smashing Pumpkins

Aghori Mhori Mei

The Smashing Pumpkins

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2024-08-02
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2024 Martha's Music marketed and distributed by Thirty Tigers


Title Artist Time
Edin The Smashing Pumpkins 6:46
Pentagrams The Smashing Pumpkins 6:25
Sighommi The Smashing Pumpkins 2:54
Pentecost The Smashing Pumpkins 3:18
War Dreams Of Itself The Smashing Pumpkins 3:28
Who Goes There The Smashing Pumpkins 3:28
999 The Smashing Pumpkins 5:43
Goeth The Fall The Smashing Pumpkins 3:25
Sicarus The Smashing Pumpkins 4:15
Murnau The Smashing Pumpkins 4:59


  • Best in 25 Years

    By CazMW
    This is the band’s best work since Machina I&II. It’s a legitimately good record and one of my favorites of the year.
  • so good, future classic and current top

    By Musicianmommy
    this os true pinkins to its core, anyone who loves their music will be bery surprised as to how well this is done. glad my son old me aboit this last month, i plan on learningmto play a few as a guitarist, they sound fun to play. i heard a hint of queen (like their very end of fun it from their jazz album) . my lucky son is seeing them real soon, what a blessing to hopefully hear them play some nee stuff !! wow !
  • Back to what made them famous!

    By jakauffman
    I’ve been a pumpkin fan since the early 90s and fell in love with their melodious rock. as time went on they got further and further away from this and explored more into synthesizers and electronic music, getting away from what they started to. This finally gets back to what made them famous - an album that rocks out but also has some beautiful moments. Couldn’t be more pleased with this album - and I just got to see them with Green Day which makes even better.
  • It's fine

    By BirdsAndTheB
    A passable album. And an impressive number of well-produced recordings given how many songs were on their last album, released so (relatively) recently. Even so, it's hard to listen to Billy's voice now. He changed his vocal style halfway through the history of the band, and it just doesn't have the power it used to have. Really takes me out of it.

    By vanzvanz
    LOVE this album!!
  • An attempt

    By WalterJPer
    I love Siamase Dream, Gish, even up to Machina. But I havent't been able to get into the newer stuff much, and then I realized why (well, the main reason anyway). It's Billy's Singing. In the older stuff his voice was integreted into the music, sometimes acting like another guitar, more varied, from a whisper to a scream, faint but still comprehenable. Now he just sing-mumbles on top of the music, and sings way too much and too close to the mic. Sometimes it's like his mouth is two inches from my ear. I mean, it even feels like after the song is already written and recorded, he then goes back and is like "let me sing in this part", "let me mumble something here". "Oh you like this guitar part? Well, what I think would make it better is my muttering voice on top of it". "Oh, Jimmy has a really cool fill here, but a sqeaky la la from me would make it better." In every song I'm just screaming in my head "shut up, Billy!!!!! I just want to hear the music!!" It's a shame, because this album has some strong elements and I want to like it but I just find it difficult to listen to. I'm giving it 4 stars because I think its headed in the right direction, at least.
  • Catching Glimpses

    By Jelly78676
    The Pumpkins have been my band since the 90s, but a lot of their post-2007-album has been hit and miss. I skipped Cyr and Atum. It sounded more of a Billy Corgan album than a Pumpkin outing—see Future Embrace. There once was a time when I gobbled up everything SP, but as I've gotten older, I see them as a band losing their way. But this album catches glimpses of their past tone while presenting a new direction, carving out a middle ground that can bridge their old fans who're homeless with their present trajectory. I'll be honest, I had to listen to the album a few times to really appreciate it. This album also is similar to Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie as a presentation you listen to from start to finish. It's not about writing pop-hits and skipping through, but showcasing a movement for you to listen to. Is this recapturing the highs of MCIS or SD or MTMOG? No. I rank it above Adore—which I liked, but despised the execution of—and I rank it well above Oceania—which wasn't half bad for a tamer side. It's definitely a decent album, but if you're expecting a hard pivot back to early days, you'll be disappointed. Jimmy, as always, is on point, as he plays up and down on the album. For Corgan, I hope he looks within to that little ember buried deep, the one that still smolders of Zero and Glass's persona, and coaxs the flame back to life while contemplating the lyrics of the past, going from "Inside of me is such a part of you," and resonating with millions, to the fear of being "ordinary, just like everyone."
  • Best in a long time for the mighty SP

    By SJSharks1991
    I’ve seen Billy in all his forms 57 times since 1992. I’ll always be a loyal fan but Monuments, Shiny and oh so bright, CYR and Atum were mediocre at best. This album is Billy keeping it simple with 10 songs in 45 min. The only part that I am having trouble adjusting to is his word salad on the majority of songs. Still, this is their best since Oceania, maybe Machina.
  • Amazing

    By ooseem
    They’re back
  • Huge fan at one time. (Sorry for 2 stars)

    By nuenjins
    Prior to the release of this I was going through SP's older library not knowing this album just came out. I even revisited the Tragedy known as Zwan which I was super hyped about at the time. Heck, when Siamese Dream came out I literally made my own SP T shirts cuz I was poor and couldn't afford the 30 to 35 bucks at the mall for a "licensed one. What really sold me then was the positive vibe, the artistry and the seemigly effortless flow of it all like it came from the heart of a truly talented and sincere group of people. Now, looking back, it really was a revolution we all saw as a generation tired of commercialist radio products for something with heart and soul beyond the shallow confines of misogyny of MTV and frat boy music. In present day HERE, however, without D'arcy being included it just feels a bit empty, but all elements considered, it's still a spiritually weak installment IMO like trying to watch an old band recapture something it can't get back. And with Billy Corgans vocal range obviously depleted and missing a few octaves, the lack of energy is simply masked with overproduction and heavy guitars to rely on instead of the emotional crescendos he used to reach vocally. I just think SP always sounded best keepin it light and breezy with some awesome rock minus the angst. Next album should be an acoustic set like the Siamese Dream release at tower records or Billy on the Howard Stern show, it just feels right is all, love ya'll. This just feels like a step in the wrong direction at this stage in the game. At least I rediscovered some old albums I never gave a chance to like Oceana and Machines, right along with Zwan and Zeitgeist which I had to purchase as a CD not being available digitally. I love you guys and appreciate the hard work you put in. I do think the reunion would have been far better as a toned down acoustic set with D'arcy sittin right beside you though. And ironically, who cares what the fans think, although I'm a fan. So don't take this as 'hate' or whatever, I just loved the positive vibes of my favorite non "goth" inspired songs ya'll did. See you in Heaven - 3:16

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