By KyTheGuy__
Amazing song!
By shana mcgee
This song sounds like a cash grab rather then post Malone really trying to express himself artistically. Sad
By moonlight_luvs
absolute garbage. but i mean its country so …
By Cobra16
I think this song is poorly written and I don’t like it. I would never purchase it.
Awesome song
By #Mus1c4L1f3
This song is sooo good I love Morgan wallen and post Mallon
The Fact
By Oh La La girly pop
The fact that Father is in this song! 😉😏❤️❤️😘😘
I mean it’s ok
By It's not a good app for kids
If Morgan Wallen is not in this 5 stars he should not be in this song!!!!!!! Go post malone
They are awesome
By P.A.E⚡️🧙🏼♂️🧙🏼
They should do more songs together
Its ok
By feuermadchen
The song is good, but its 😂not country…Post sure doesn't need to do country, and Morgan has just come so far since his start on the Voice , why criticize the mistake of calling it country?… if you like it great, maybe it should be in a genre of world music.
Morgan has always wanted to do his music, not just be in a box. Enjoy his success.
Terrible Song
By Johndeere360
First time I heard it I thought not bad but dont like, now its on repeat every hour all day long on the radio. It's the most irritating song out there same as Walker Hayes- Fancy Like. Both are the most overplayed songs on the radio!