Taylor swift TTPD
By RyRy/Ryley.Cavazos
I love TAYLOR SWIFT soooooooo much. I like her songs they’re amazing especially the album TTPD👌 perfection
The Charlie puth reference
By DJ trudell
By A Vandervoet
So grate I love you, Taylor Swift you’re amazing
By ZeldaKat0613
I’m shocked. Taylor, how? Your a lyric mastermind. (Especially with this album!!!) Favorites are your piano songs, you sound so good especially on the bridges 🤍🤍🤍 I’m so proud you’ve found your sound, something that you love, and I hope you continue to grow it, but keep expanding your horizons as a musician. Only critique would be that I think you should have had the last 5 songs of the album (except the manuscript) moved to different places, but song order doesn’t bother me that much anyways. Best album yet, KEEP IT UP! -me :)
Love it buttr
By sister 1982
I’m a true swiftie but why is there so much cussing I understand a little but it’s all albums now. That has stopped me from being able to listen.
By Meowing Wyoming
I’m still young as in kid so love that there are cleans versions of everything. Sometimes Taylor is overrated, but I’m still a swifty. Albums still swift as ever, beat , music, and lyrics. 🎀💖
What is this?
By Jordan. McDonald
I honestly think this abomination should be reported. TS is overrated and it looks like many people had a thing about it. But you fans are just insane!! THIS IS JUST TALKING ABOUT A BOY-
By the S and C divergent
I listed to it right after it was released at midnight with my best friend(we pulled an all nighter on a school night just so we could hear it) and I’ve never stoped
By Stray Kids mega fan
I hate Taylor swift more than anything in the world and she is just more annoying than ever
Lil old me
By Hand SMS bc
Wow I love this one so much and I can’t stop listening to it