It's Over Guys...
By Ultimate Warrior
The heydays are over, guys.Its not "True-worthy". Your 80's releases will always remain classic. And, it's not that I don't like a band direction and trying something even a little new. It's like this has no direction. I'm sorry, but I will pass.
By Mick Kruger
Just retire guys
No like.
By das-nimble
The das no like! Long time fan and music genius “das” say “MC should hang it up”! Run J5 run.
love the song
By Raven loves axl rose
i felt like they did a good job putting it together with john 5 in it and i find that the lyrics are agreeable
Sounds cool. This song is for all the haters
By johnnynycborntowin
Dig the song. A lot of cool melody. And the guitars are in fuego. If you think you can do better than let me hear it.
No. Just…no.
By Faceoff9
Vince clearly sounds like he’s been through the auto-tune wringer on this. It’s horrible. The guitar work is clearly identifiable as John 5. But the lyrics are just…forgettable. They’re as repeatable as “Oh Suzy Q” from CCR. It almost feels like Sixx:AM part II.
They clearly could/should have done better - they just didn’t.
Vince Neil retire
By Napa-cat
Ok. If you can’t sing naturally then stop the madness
So Bad
By Burgzilla
First time in my life I’ve not bought something from these guys. Sad. Mick gives it that bluesy hard sound that’s completely missing here. Jobber 5 is an excellent player, but there’s no connection here. This song is suppose to be heavy but sounds regurgitated from Nikki’s pop days with 6 AM. Not excited bout the way the past couple years have gone for the crew, probably should just plugged it when we said we were just gonna plug it.
Hard No.!!!
By redheadmaster
Don't think so
By akboltnut
The lyrics are completely forgetable. Vince's voice is weak and filtered. The guitar track is OK but I'm getting Generation Swine vibes from it. I get that with John there it's going to be different but again just forgettable. The rhythm section just kinda sounds like a stock backing track without any of Nikki or Tommy's personal stamp on it. I was just expecting more from the guys on this one. I'm hoping that this is a "trial run" and they do better with the next one. I do want to see a next one, make no mistake, I'm still one of the biggest Crue fans since 1981.