Title | Artist | Time | ||
1 | Dolce (New Bionix Master Versi | Elepho | 7:28 | |
2 | Motion of Elation | Ozistana | 8:06 | |
3 | Morning Glory | Acid Wolf & Lunatico | 6:13 | |
4 | Mission Assessment | Disconect | 6:06 | |
5 | Melodic Dream | Green Mind | 5:54 | |
6 | Lord of the Labyrinth | Neogenia | 8:54 | |
7 | Psychedelic Drugs (Sixsense Ne | Sixsense & Psymon | 7:21 | |
8 | Tscheggsch | Sconvolto | 7:15 | |
9 | The Moon Spacelab | Supersonic Birds | 8:07 |