By jorland
Just a few decent songs, but I like their previous albums better than this one.
Not great
By MHL 49
Some songs are good, a lot are not.
Usually I like most if not
all the songs on black keys albums, but not this one.
Too pop.
Please Influence Rap
By JPetersen1984
We have to start mixing the 90s rappers with the Black Keys more often. That bass. That bass!
Never thought they’d get quite this bad
By AbsolutionCalling
Dropout Boogie wasn’t terrible, but this really isn’t very good
Meh - nothing worth remembering
By Chiefhomer
2.5 good songs and the rest are forgettable. First half of paper crown is good then the rest is awful.
Great album! 9/10 for me
By SicMundusCreatusEst
Took a couple of listens through and now I’m loving this album. The rap features can be a little jarring at first but both songs are really good. For me the album feels like a return to form. My favorite albums are Brothers, El Camino, Turn Blue and Let’s Rock. I can listen to every song on those and not have to skip any. Ohio Players is another album that I now can listen to every track all the way through
By pensters50
Love the Black keys but this sounds
like 1969 bubblegum music. I know because I was 22 then and hated it
then. Disappointed.
By Dugtee
Another album of girly pop songs from a band I know is capable of better music.
Nice album! Black keys did it again
By jojee the worm
Very good, paper crown overrated though. Best songs are This is nowhere, Candy and her friends, On the Game, Don’t let me go, every time you leave, and Beutiful people.
🔥Album, 8.5/10
By Kk1616
Awesome album except for paper crown. I recommend This is nowhere, Don’t let me go, on the game, beautiful people, please me, and fever tree if you don’t wanna buy the whole album