Madonna, you are better than this...
By Geno Y.
This is absolutely horrific. It’s like they both got together and wrote down every angry thought they had after they were criticized at The Grammys and just put it to music. It’s sloppy, slapped together, uncouth and frankly gross. As a huge Madonna fan, this is disappointing. She was so innovative, what happened? She is in the middle of an identity crisis and has been crying out for help for the last three or four years. Who is in her inner circle allowing this madness to go on? It’s so sad. Madonna, you are MADONNA, you don’t need to latch onto these pathetic, new, lesser acts who are bloodsucking leeches, gaining clout off of your name. Give us another “Erotica,” “Ray Of Light” or “Confessions.” We know that you have it in you. This isn’t it. You are so enlightened. Stop letting these talentless no-counts drag you down to their level.