Amazing album
By Dmitriy_87
I listened to this album so much on Spotify that I had to buy it for keeps. ‘Ms. Sweet Tea’ & ‘Adam And Eve’ are my favorite tracks. It’s a whole vibe.
Westcoast sound?
By Man of the Cancer Moon
Not knowing this artist or featured artist, not bad actually. I just wish it was a clean version
By Hamwhipper
Wanna believe that people are horrible and the world is a crappy place? Well, look no further. That's what this album's all about. Buy now and let the depression begin!!
Album connoisseur
By album connoissuer
Good intro - 2 songs in and it’s a good vibe . -5 songs in : listening to this album at 4 was not planned but it works -10 songs in : definitely an album to smoke to -end of the album : This album sit at around 4- 4.5 at first listen to a new artist
Mindless Trash
By NRBMusic
Definitely Not of God. Just brings you down into carnal security.