Don't like it
By plainbluet's
This album makes me never want to see them live
One of their best live recordings
By GatorsScott
Have every official Stones live release and most of their notable bootlegs. To me, this is best of the modern live releases. My favorite is Los Angeles show in '75, but you can tell they brought their A-game for this performance.
Repeat, repeat, repeat?
By still BB
Love the Stones, and these tracks sound very good, but seriously: I already have a live version (or two or three) of nearly every one of these songs, and some sound better. It would be great to add another live version of Midnight Rambler to my collection, but not if I have to buy the whoile album.
Excellent Except For One Song!
By Seattlebicycler
Bruce Springsteen is like COVID … we can’t get rid of him. Why on earth do all these immensely popular superstar bands and singers feel like they have to have Bruce sing with them? Springsteen is the most overhyped and overrated male singer of all time!
By Joe from delta
👍the best, I saw this concert and it took 10 yrs to release, the live sound is amazing and the music is amazing too
Do I really need another live Stones album?
By guardman305
Apparently I do! The guest artist make it a must add to my collection.
The Rolling Stones Live!
By Electric Skydog
The Stones once again showing they are the greatest rocknroll band of all time. These guys never stop bringing it bigger and better than everybody else.
By onlystones
What else could anyone ask for? The best rockin band rockin with the best stars of yesterday and today. Play it over and over and over and over…
*yawn* Gimme Some New Material Please
By Saint_
Rehashes of the same old songs, even songs that were previously recorded in much better venues and performances, ridiculously poor tinny, echo-filled sound quality, and Mick sounds exhausted...which he probably is. I'll pass.