Magdalen College Choir, Oxford, Bill Ives, Sara Stowe, Martin Souter, Matthew Spring, Sarah Tenant-Flowers, Harlow Chorus, Worcester College Choir, Christopher Sparkhall, Julia Craig-McFreely, Cherwell Singers, James Weeks, Queens' College Choir, Cambridge, Ian Giles, Giles Lewin, Spiers and Boden Duo, Singscape, English Renaissance, Michael Stoddart, Richard Vendome, Oxford Girls' Choir, Zachary Taylor, Hannah Taylor, Ciaran O'Keefe & David Bevan
Graham Derrick, Estampie, Unicorn Ensemble, Oni Wytars Ensemble, Oxford Camerata, Jeremy Summerly, Manuela Schenale, In Dulci Jubilo, Alberto Turco, Tonus Peregrinus, Antony Pitts, Carmen Cano, Thomas Wimmer, Accentus Austria, Shirley Rumsey & Nova Schola Gregoriana
In Dulci Jubilo, Alberto Turco, Nova Schola Gregoriana, Jeremy Summerly, Oxford Camerata, Tonus Peregrinus, Antony Pitts, Michael Posch, Unicorn Ensemble, Oni Wytars Ensemble, Bernhard Landauer, Capilla Flamenca, Shirley Rumsey, Scholars Of London, Convivium Musicum Gothenburgense, Rose Consort of Viols, Christine Morel, Claude Goudimel Ensemble, Steven Rickards, Dorothy Linell, Sven Berger, Ensemble Villanella, Ars Nova & Bo Holten
David Hudson, David Hykes, Brian Keane, Ömer Faruk Tekbilek, Saad Ullah Khan, Munich Hochschule Madrigal Choir, Max Frey, Huseyin Erek, Haissmavourk Choir, Mihran Ghazelian, Utrecht Students' Choir, Utrecht Students' Chamber Choir, Jan Boogaarts, Augsburg Early Music Ensemble, Rainer Herpichbohm, Sabine Lutzenberger, Perry Silverbird, Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery Monks, Timothy Hill, Karineh Avetissian, Jeremy Summerly, Oxford Camerata & Steve Roach
James Litton, Washington National Cathedral Choir, members, Erik Suter, Joanna Dabrowska, St. Albans School Madrigal Singers, Washington National Cathedral Choir, Elizabeth Robinson, Brent Flinchbaugh, Washington National Cathedral Madrigal Singers, Scott Hanoian, Justin Godoy, Charlotte Woolley, Morgan Whitmire, Blount Stewart, Peter Thompson, Rosa Lamoreaux, William Simms, Gleb Drobklov, William Lockhart, Claude Balbastre, Gleb Drobkov, Christine Buras, Vana Derderian & Chester Warner