
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
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Title Artist Time


  • Triste situación🥺

    By Doradosshh👑
    Really???🥺 la canción de “YA NO” del álbum AMOR PROHIBIDO no está en ninguna plataforma, realmente es una canción muy buenas ,por qué la quitaron? Donde está?😤☹️
  • LOVE IT!!

    By do not buy thi app
    I think it’s great that AB is keeping Selena’s legend alive with this new album. Selena will live forever in her music, the music you produced and wrote AB. May GOD continue to bless you and all your family! Don’t let any of those negative comments affect you in any way. Keep doing what you do best! Lots of love and respect to you all!! Maria Davila
  • Not good!

    By iron maiden3
    It’s just a cash grab to cash in on her name! You can easily hear the computerization of her voice & it just doesn’t sound good like that! You can also tell most, if not all the instruments are done from a computer!! Will be sticking with what has already been released from Selena!
  • 👍

    By Score99
  • 😞

    By Brunoyluna
    El mismo sonido en todas las canciones 👎🏼merecía algo con mucha más calidad y dedicación
  • Triste porque no me gustó

    By magno02
    Me encantó escuchar la voz de Selena, pero no me emocioné como pensé que lo haría. No me dio ganas de escuchar las canciones una y otra vez, como regularmente me pasa cuando compro música de algún artista que me gusta. Si Apple Music tuviera la opción para hacer reembolsos, devolvería las canciones.
  • Disappointment

    By Milo__4738
    This CD had great potential to be great but it fell short! Very disappointed!
  • Yuck

    By Pedro the shorty
    I love Selena but this whole album is awful this isn’t Selena music taste it is her brothers trying pass it as her music taste
  • Money, money

    By AJunior28
    Horrible cd
  • 👎

    By somewhat mariah fan
    Nope just nope. Something about it that doesn’t seem right (on many levels). Anyway Selena you are missed 🕯💐