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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing reconstruction of his greatest hits

    By Rob Bza
    I was a little skeptical when I was first heard of the release of this compilation. But rest assured this album end up being a wonderful journey throughout his biggest hits. The orchestra arrangements are beautiful and Robbie’s current voice sounds more mature which gives each song a new life. I would extremely recommend this album to any long time fan of Robbie Williams this is a must have.
  • Its Over

    By Denicio
    When you know your favorite artist is flat out of ideas....you get them rereleasing their hits (a second time) done a bit differently. I miss the Williams/Chambers years of creativity. This is RW simply rehashing the past.
  • A Classic!

    By cerebro1
    25 years to the making, what a wonderful sound and the new songs are pure Robbie!