The Merit of Patience
By ghs21
In 2012, La La La Land Records and Sony Music released the complete score for Star Trek The Motion Picture in a limited run set of 3 cds. Now after 10 years, the complete score for the 2001 Director's Edition 4k rerelease has come on digitial streaming sites and so how does it far? Fantastic as always! This score has been remixed and remastered from the film's master tapes to the fullest extent. Once again we hear the triumphic revised Enterprise theme, V'ger's menancing electronica filled cues, and Illa's grand, peaceful cue in clear crispy stereo. Despite the variety of missing cues from the 2012 release, this score boldy goes where no man has gone before and hopefully the rest of the expanded scores of the other films get released soon digitally. It is only logical.