Amazing album!
By Annaboo22
Such an amazing album and band!
By Cassmilrya
This album falls into the same category for me as Us, and Threat. Few good songs/Singles and the rest fluff. Their standout albums are LAW, SOM, AMA, and Attention. With all that being said I prefer the sound of LAW and SOM when they focus more on guitar driven rock. I consider this and Threat to be a close race for their worst albums.
What happened to them?
By older louder
They put out some great albums but since their 5th album its been down hill into being a pop band now. Even the songs are not as well written in the past. They need to get their old guitarist back and be a hard rock band again instead of everything sounding the same with a bunch of pop songs.
Music is good
By motortrain
By S Roz
Lyrics that actually mean something. Shinedown doesn’t disappoint.
Great Album!
By D89Alexander
Album is great but I appreciate the album more after seeing the band live in 2023. These are definitely stadium songs and you can tell they were crafted with the intent to be performed. The album’s length was overwhelming at first but I respect the band for giving their fans something they will keep coming back to. Shinedown should be proud of this album as it is a welcome addition to their already stellar collection.
Love them
By sandee76
Love what they repsent ! 😇
A symptom of being human
By desslek
It reminds me of harsh reality
Most perfect album I’ve heard
It has most of the best songs. I sing at least one everyday now that I have heard the album. My favorite album so far, and listening through the whole album in order creates its own story. it also came out at the right time. The people with three starts or lower don’t know what shinedown tried to do. They made a story in music, not a horrible album that most reject. I know the lyrics of most of them, and know the meanings of them. It honestly is the best album I’ve ever heard in my life!😃
By KatyMarie93
Shinedown never disappoints, love this album.