By Trust and Us
Such Role Models!
By Quagmire-Gigity
Is this waht people are listening to? No wonder people are so crazy nowadays. Anyway, great album, Three 6 owns, yada yada yada. I got some good parodies: for "Lets Plan a Robbery", "Lets Play Monoply" and for Stay Fly, "Eat Pie". Watever. 4 stars. bye bye.
This is a good album
By IProdigy32
People who don't like this album (commenter before me) should type with actual grammar and intelligence before they condemn the Oscar winning Three Six Mafia.
Good Job
By Buffalo8
Even though I only like 2 songs on this album they are both so good that I give it 4 stars. Also, buy Doe Boy Fresh featuring Chamillionaire.
this is crap fo sho
By Rock4Christ!!!!
look at the song titles yo. they name be bullcrap yo. I mean 3 6 mafi? it used to be triple 6 mafia. dang they su ck, they cuss, theyre druggies, they goin to hell dawg.
....This=straight up Coolio
By YesItsMeChad
Pretty Awsome tracks here....
My favorites are
1.Poppin my Collar
2 Stay Fly
3 Side-2-Side
poppin my collar
By gatorg1996
this is one of my favorie songs ever