Minecraft music
By Sashacat123
This brings back tears and memories of Minecraft. Also in the good old days and the music is good but some of them aren’t that good but it’s pretty good. Other side is awesome.
By fernkittycat
this the the first video game i every played. me and my cousins would take turns on my grandma's phone, building, playing, watching each other. i remember being surprised when i saw my cousin build an amazing house. it was exactly amazing, but i was 4 and she was 11, and it didnt have many blocks because it was new. but it our brains it was the best thing ever. i love looking back, thinking how great it was in the earlier minecraft years. i know im only 13, but i feel so much older knowing this generation is growing up so fast. not playing with toys, just all into tiktok, skincare, and just making fun of anyone who is being themselves. the newest updates arent the best, i admit, it was better before them. when we didnt have as much items. it doesnt even feel like minecraft anymore. it feels like the more things they add, the more like it feels like a mod you would get online. i do really think this album is nice, but the earlier ones are the best.
By Pywart
The music is no longer Minecraft, you can’t keep making music like this your ruining the game, the nether update and aquatic update were good, but this… the soundtracks are awful and let’s be real, compare these too the original? Come on, on is a clear winner. Please stop and remove these soundtracks from the game, don’t waste your time on this album, go to the original beta and alpha soundtracks.
Done good kid
By SpaceJellOSC
I feel so old even though I’m almost 15. I still remember playing when the Phantoms were added to the game cause I started playing Minecraft around that time I think I started before phantoms were added. Man I went through so many skin changes back then because I couldn’t find one that I liked eventually I settled on black shirt, grapple left arm, prosthetic left hand, headphones, Robert Downey Jr. mustache and hair, big bushy eyebrows, grey eyes, a little thing on my chest that looks like sound waves it’s got red, yellow, lime, and sky blue, some cement roller on my back, and amethyst legs and I’m staying with that. But I love otherside I listen to that one a lot when building or just chilling out in my Minecraft World especially in a replica of my house that I always mess up on especially cause it’s got one of those “you can run around in circles for eternity hallway to kitchen to living room” sort of things. It’s hard to build that Especially cause there’s a closet in between my bedroom door and the kitchen door. And there’s a wall in the dining room that’s a different color than pretty much all the walls in the house and it’s hard to replicate that. But I just love building MegaMan in Minecraft. I just love to build replicas of the Robot Master Stages. MegaMan and Minecraft are my top 2 favorite games ever. I think It’s almost or is the 35th anniversary for the start of the MegaMan series. I remember I was born right inside of the sandwich of MegaMan9 and MegaMan10 it’s like MegaMan9 then me then MegaMan10 MM9 came out 2008 then I was born 2009 then MM10 came out in 2010 so it’s like a little sandwich.(it was just a play on words to express the fact I was born in between MM9 and 10) but this was great! I’m so ready for armadillo I’ll name him after the previous leader of The 8th Armored Division, Armored Armadillo from MegaManX if the crab was added I would have named him after Bubble Crab from MegaManX2 if the penguin was added I would have named him after Chill Penguin from MegaManX. But enough about that. Great job!!!
By Johnsodl
Otherside… is so beautiful… it makes me feel so happy… I almost cry 😭… … … love it 😊😊😊😊
Wondrous album! Pure gold!
By EJ_66
Legendary and grand!🏆⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🏅
By halogrrr
Yooo otherside is da best I always play it when play the game get the music disc and play it’s true 10 years from now ppl look back think wow Minecraft has come along way but will also remember all the funny stuff about it the og worlds we made as a kid ha it’s kind of sad think of it. I still play the game with my 7 year old baby brother thank you Minecraft and thx Lena Ty
Love it
By derangedz
And otherside
By kittycat#300😎
Very good
By 👺👻🤖
Otherside to sudy and relax to