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Title Artist Time


  • Will the real Tribe please stand up!

    By Strider009
    Not to slag whoever these people are too much, they sound decent for what they are, but this is NOT the amazing late 80's/early 90's alt-goth band of the same name. Where is "Sleeper", "Abort", "Here at the Home", etc?? These are classic records that deserve to be on iTunes.
  • Clearing the confusion

    By Allofme
    I believe that the previous reviewer had this Tribe confused with the alt rock band Tribe of the late 80s. This music is new age contemplative with clear Christian themes. In contrast, the Tribe of the 80s was angst ridden music with heavy bass and percussion which touched on domestic violence as well as the violence of society as a whole. In my opinion, the music on GARDEN is of a better quality than the lyrics so that riffs that lend themselves to thinking are limited by lyrics that are simple and obvious at best and cliched at worst.