Melody is timeless...
By 4S fan
Regina has found it...
By Gabi Buckenberger cool
Me and my classmates were listening listening to it in class and we started to hate it. I listen to it in the car and I started to love it. He has a little bit of English and Russian but the title is in French. VARY INTERESTING 🤔!!!!!
My favorite of all her albums
By levininja
I've listened to almost all her albums and enjoy a lot of them, but this one has to be the most accessible and refined of them all. This is a great starting point for someone new to Regina, as well as the albums after this one.
By Paolin K.
Beyond and forever going. I love this album with all my heart. Her songs have much meaning to love. ❤️ I just cant get enough. Samson <3
Amazing Album.
By laulypop21
This is the first I've ever heard of Regina, i discovered her on how I met your mother. I just bought this whole album because her voice is amazing and it relaxes me, im sure i would have no problem falling asleep to this album. She is very talented. I love her already :)
Starts off pretty strong.
By BrianSwaldi
The first half of this album is the most solid work that Spektor has produced. Several of the songs are pretty good and On the Radio is officially really good. Kooky and cute and not off the wall weird like most of what she does. It stops just at kooky. That's how i would describe the body of her work. An annoying blend of the elegant and the oddball. If she wasnt such a great vocal talent and capable of some truly elegant moments, I wouldnt be so annoyed by her being so goofy. Such a wasted talent to have the silk hat of her voice trampled by her strange personality. Odd, rambling and aimless lyrics about really anything that pops into her head with sudden squeaks really drag down an otherwise good album.
This album falls to crap at the end. I've never seen worse filler than from Regina. Just turning random observations into songs and changing her vocals unexpectedly in an attempt to shock listeners into thinking the second half of the album is also entertaining.
This album is a great example of her two sided talent. The first half is representative of her at her best and the second half represents her when she's not. Why couldnt a normal person be given the gift of her voice?? She has a voice from heaven and a mind from the asylum. So annoying!
whatever this album is
By Moosedouggold
this is not good music. period.
This album is wonderful!
By Gabriel Amorim
I'm exploring Regina's carrer since I've listened to some songs by her in this album,and this must be one of her best albums. There are some great songs like Better,Fidelity or Us,and Samson is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Her lyrics,sometimes are personnal,sometimes they're a story,and they are always creative or sincere. Now I'm looking foward to listen to her new album,I'm sure it's as good as this one - or even better!
By hannah123456
lady sings the blues so well.
A little odd
By all me and nobody else
"Fidelity" is the perfect single. Other than that, this album is very odd. The singing style is very exaggerated and the songs are, at times, confusing. They sound better as you get used to them, but my first instinct when hearing it was "what the?". "Hotel Song" is fairly explicit with sexual and drug references, but it does not encourage these behaviours.