1990 anthems.
By StacieHH
This album is so well written and brings me back to my high school days yet is timeless and perfect for now too.
My favorite album.
By Dongawoo
Of all time.
By iGreg
Reasonable minds might argue as to whether other Toad albums reached the same height as Dulcinea, but none have surpassed it. It's a rare flawless album with 12 rock solid tracks that feature perfect songwriting, performance and production.
The Good Stuff
By GRod_1985
Great album from a great time for music. Best songs are Somethings always wrong, and Listen. But all are good
Must have album
By Ebojager
My all time favorite album. Its so easy to listen too over and over again.
Wonderful Album!!!!
By Teach4u
One of my most favorite albums of all time!! I have listened to it over and over again!!, absolutely love it!!!
Nearly flawless
By deelee74
Dulcinea is an amazing album. I am not the biggest fan of toad the wet sprocket, but there is something about this album that is just about perfect to me. every song is well crafted. The performances are good. And, the production is great. I just love the guitar sound on this album. it is an album I bought in 1994 on a whim after hearing "something's always wrong"on the radio. I had no idea that that particular song would be the low point of this fantastic album. there just is not a bad song on the entire record. I was 19 in 1994. Now, at 40 years old, I look back at that year as the best one of my life. everything happened for me that year. I got my first real job. I moved out of my parents house. I began dating the woman I would end up spending my life with. everything I ever wanted happened for me in 1994, and Dulcinea was the soundtrack to my life that year. sentimental value of this record is only a bonus. I would love it regardless. whenever I ponder my list of the greatest albums of all time, Dulcinea is always on the list.
MUCH better late than never.
By oliasdoug
Well, it may have taken me 19 years to get around to this...but it's weird how I just recently got turned on to this album.
First of all, I remember well when Toad hit the airwaves with Walk On The Ocean & All I Want...hearing those great songs for the first time made me think, man, these are great songs and this band is going to go FAR. I even seriously considered buying their first album, but for some reason it just never happened. Go figure. Maybe it's because that there was, IMHO, a larger than you'd expect outpouring of great music that year & they just got lost in the shuffle.
FAST forward to about 2 months ago, & I'm going through a close friend's CD wallet, being amazed at the variety of what he enjoyed, and DULCINEA made its appearance. Had to borrow it from him, thinking it would be "good" and that I'd more than likely enjoy it. From the minute the first track started, it was apparent to me that the guys were capable of so much more than a couple of good alternative radio hits. I'm glad this was my first Toad album and can only echo what everyone else has said here.
What this means now, of course, is that I'll have to get everything they've done. Now if I can just catch them in concert...
By Sprock5
Hands down, Toad's greatest record. I listened to this record weekly for 4 years straight during college. Glen is the reason I decided to start singing, playing the acoustic guitar and recording music.
By TTgriz
Somethings Always Wrong and Crowing are crazy awesome songs. Highly recommended