sweetness in soul
By Peace Here Now
indeed my heart is captivated, thank you!
By KiZzYcAt
I heard this cd playing in a friend"s car. When I got home, I went online and bought it. I don't usually go for this genre, but this one's appealing to me.
I love her voice. I don't care much for the cover, but as they say, "Don't judge a book...".
Lovely, Calming
By Meglion424
I first heard one of these tracks in a yoga class, and was truly transfixed. It turns out the whole album is almost tear-jerkingly lovely. A great find.
beautiful, soulful music
By Alli Kubler
this music grabs your heart and calms your soul..
By Enginegro
I heard these chants for the first time last week in my yoga/meditation class.. These songs have changed my life. I am so grateful for this music especially at this time in my life when so much is shifting. Sat Nam
By v1rot8
When Gurmukh reccommends it you go with it. It is so beautiful, I cried, for awhile!!!
By salsalsal
One of the most beautiful albums I have ever heard. I never get tired of it, inspirational yet not preachy... very uplifting- especially By Thy Grace.
By Rose45
One morning after I first got this album these beautiful chants along with Snatam Kaur's voice and spirit moved me to tears. That was a few years ago. Today I still enjoy opening my heart and being taken away by the spirit of this album.
By gracemary
I am addicted to this album and listen to it all the time. I teach junior high students and often play it in the morning as they drift into my classroom. It immediately calms them down and puts them in a ready and learning mode. Very calming. My own young children love it and my three year old goes around the house singing Ong Namo.
Grace by Snatam Kaur
By ckeith
when we heard "RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG" in the car and I look back to see the 5 & 6 year olds kind of relaxing into the meditation position, their feet folded in the carseats, with their hands very close to the correct position, I knew I had to have this song available at my disposal!!! One of the most hauntingly melodic songs I've heard in a long time. So nice to hear music that makes you think there is still hope out there for our human race and that small things can make a difference! Namaste!