By Music LD 100
This album has evolved to a better and more distinctive sound versus older albums
New Fan!!
By westerryan
Great album, awesome breakdowns and vocals, I like the diversity of the album. There is nothing wrong with change as a band grows, awesome job guys! New Fan from America! I like the path you chose.🤬🦾🙏
By NickTheMusicNerd
This album was honestly just a huge disappointment. These guys used to be so good, but this album is just not Trash Boat. I wasn’t a huge fan of the singles, but I was hoping the album as an entirety would be solid. Unfortunately, it’s not. There’s a few decent songs, but overall it’s just not really good. At least we still have their old material.
By dwarfshortage
a great album from trash boat. favorite is cannibal, least favorite is all i can never be
Trash boat..
By BedTundy43
Trash album. R.I.P. trash boat. We lost another good band