Downhill From Everywhere - Jackson Browne

Downhill From Everywhere

Jackson Browne

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2021-07-23
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2021 Inside Recordings


Title Artist Time
Still Looking For Something Jackson Browne 3:10
My Cleveland Heart Jackson Browne 3:20
Minutes To Downtown Jackson Browne 5:31
A Human Touch Jackson Browne 4:42
Love Is Love Jackson Browne 4:46
Downhill From Everywhere Jackson Browne 5:44
The Dreamer Jackson Browne 3:16
Until Justice Is Real Jackson Browne 4:33
A Little Soon To Say Jackson Browne 6:25
A Song For Barcelona Jackson Browne 8:37


  • Like Many Older Jackson Albums...

    By Craigory Sean
    The first couple of times I listened, I thought, "OK, it's alright but a little bit boring...."; then I saw him perform many these new songs live and they took on a completely new dynamic- I feel like Jackson should just make every album like "Running On Empty".... do them live and then the audience will truly get it...since seeing him live, I have listened to this album many times with "new ears" and think it is one f the best things he has done in a long, long time. Yeah, a few of the songs are a bit derivative of his old work but they are still a great listen!
  • Some good tunes…

    By Pelican33
    … but getting tired of entertainers alienating 1/2 the population. People on the left, including their entertainers - completely brain-washed. It’s better on the right (not much), but definitely not as bad.
  • Downhill From Everywhere

    By RetiredLHayward
    I've been a JB fan for 50 Years. This album is as good as any he has ever produced!! Great insight into the world we are living in. This will grow on you by the day. I'm sure the nay sayers are "Right Wing Idiots". Love this music !!!!!!! Larry
  • woke bad

    By Jbrcks
    Woke isn’t a thing its WRONG!!!!!! But he can still bend the strings with the best of them
  • Jackson was woke before woke was a thing

    By Wallyroger
    Great to hear Jackson Browne still making good music. Yes, it is a bit different from his classic albums of the past, but it is still characteristically Jackson Browne. We are all growing old, but he keeps writing great songs and his voice is still good. I really like The Dreamer. I gotta laugh at the folks saying he got "woke". Really? Maybe you are a 30 something who only knows him from downloading his music, but Jackson was "woke" before the word was even coined. And I am sure he doesn't care that you think this is a bad thing.
  • Thank you

    By janepaul1
    Thank you JB.
  • Excellent

    By SandersWI
    Feels great listening to his music.
  • A+

    By L-ADC
    So nice to hear from him again….well worth the wait…..❤️
  • Not Jackson's best, but definitely not his worst.

    By S4MM-E
    Downhill From Everywhere has one amazing song (A Little Soon to Say) and while the rest are catchy and interesting, they certainly don't compare with his best. Downhill from Everywhere, the title track, feels really repetitive and My Cleveland Heart's refrain sounds an awful lot like Start Me Up by the Stones. The Dreamer is lovely, but it's also predictable. If you're a completionist like me, you'll still want to buy this album, but for passive fans I'd say skip it.
  • Nice to have him back

    By cape365
    The voice is a little older but still vinatge Jackson

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