Mercy of Jesus - Single (feat. Mary Grace, May Angeles & Wesley Nilsen) - Single - People & Songs

Mercy of Jesus - Single (feat. Mary Grace, May Angeles & Wesley Nilsen) - Single

People & Songs

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2021-04-16
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2021 People & Songs


Title Artist Time
Mercy of Jesus (feat. Mary Gra People & Songs 5:00


  • Lovingly Convicting

    By Mayangeless
    It is the mercy of Jesus that makes way for unity and peace. In my need of a Savior, Jesus’ mercy met me where I was and covered even the worst that I had done. He lifting my chin from shame to grace. I pray His mighty ocean of mercy and forgiveness would wash over you as you listen. I pray that His kindness would lead you to repentance and His blood would wash your heart clean. There’s nothing better and no freedom sweeter than receiving His mercy and walking in His grace. God bless you dear friend reading this. Jesus is near to you.
  • Mercy

    By StellaOnTheBeat
    Without the mercy of Jesus none of us would have a relationship with God. This song is a reminder to extend that mercy to everyone because we all need Jesus. Thank you for this beautiful song.
  • Beautiful 💖💖

    By Kaiya Hirai
    This song is amazing! The melody is captivating, and yet has a familiar - almost hymn like - feel. Please listen and share with your friends this wonderful message 🥰
  • His Mercy is so Strong

    By Charles Henry Graves II
    No matter who we are or where we come from of what our background is— Jesus’ mercy toward us is just as strong. This song is such a beautiful reminder of that. Jesus paid the same price for every one of us. We are all worth just as much to Him. Let us see one another in light of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Let us ask the Lord to help us see one another like Jesus does and to help us extend His mercy to one another— a mercy that triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). In Jesus’ name, amen. Hallelujah.
  • Thankful For This Song!

    By Tobin Alford
    The Mercy of Jesus is something I never don't need. Thankful for this song reminding me how great the Lord's mercy is! Beautiful voices any lyrics on this mastercraft of a song!
  • Mercy!

    By skaterboi777
    Straight up I cannot think of anything more necessary than the mercy of Jesus. If there is one thing that everyone needs, without exception, it’s the mercy of Jesus. And what a thing to celebrate! That this rich mercy is poured out freely? Yeah so I’m gonna sing this one loud and freely!
  • The worst of us all!

    By RRGriff2
    The mercy of Jesus covers the worst of us all. There is not one soul on this Earth that doesn’t need mercy. Mercy is needed when guilt is present and without Jesus I am the most guilty. I am thankful for this mercy.
  • I love this song💜

    By marygracemusic
    This song has greatly ministered to me. We are so undeserving of God’s love and His mercy is more than we could imagine. He loved us at our darkest. He chose us in our mess. He called us His...knowing we’d fail Him daily. This is the mercy of Jesus. It is wide and great and it drowns out all the sins of the entire world. This is our Father who loves us. I pray you embrace the amazing and all consuming love of God. May He meet you in your listening:-)