1 |
ABC Song (Now I Know My ABCs) |
Go Bananas |
1:26 |
2 |
Baba Black Sheep (feat. Olivia |
Go Bananas |
1:17 |
3 |
Brahms Lullaby (feat. Olivia J |
Go Bananas |
1:53 |
4 |
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes |
Go Bananas |
1:07 |
5 |
Hickory Dickory Dock (feat. Ol |
Go Bananas |
1:20 |
6 |
Hokey Pokey (feat. Olivia Jame |
Go Bananas |
1:09 |
7 |
Humpty Dumpty (feat. Olivia Ja |
Go Bananas |
1:38 |
8 |
Hush Little Baby Don't You Cry |
Go Bananas |
2:02 |
9 |
Itsy Bitsy Spider (feat. Olivi |
Go Bananas |
1:21 |
10 |
Old MacDonald Had a Farm (feat |
Go Bananas |
1:05 |
11 |
Pop Goes the Weasel (feat. Oli |
Go Bananas |
1:38 |
12 |
Mary Had a Little Lamb (feat. |
Go Bananas |
1:37 |
13 |
Rock-A-Bye Baby (feat. Olivia |
Go Bananas |
1:27 |
14 |
Row Row Row Your Boat (feat. O |
Go Bananas |
2:00 |
15 |
The Ants Go Marching (feat. Ol |
Go Bananas |
1:40 |
16 |
Three Blind Mice (feat. Olivia |
Go Bananas |
1:17 |
17 |
Canon in D (feat. Olivia James |
Go Bananas |
3:15 |
18 |
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (f |
Go Bananas |
1:42 |
19 |
Wheels on the Bus (feat. Olivi |
Go Bananas |
1:40 |
20 |
You Are My Sunshine (feat. Oli |
Go Bananas |
1:11 |